The biggest IACC Conference yet

The event brought together over 600 global industry leaders (new record!) to share insights and strategies.

IACC is considered as the cornerstone of collaboration and innovation in the Brand Protection and Anti-Counterfeiting industry. The 2024 conference was a worthwhile experience, featuring informative sessions and workshops. It also provided an ideal platform for networking, allowing attendees to reconnect with familiar faces and forge new connections with industry peers. 

ApiraSol was proud to be part of this event, not only as a platinum sponsor and exhibitor, but also with our Managing Director, Axel Hein as a speaker!

Informative discussion with Axel Hein on illicit supply chains in Latin America

Axel was honoured to join a panel for an engaging discussion on “Case Studies in Multi-Jurisdictional Enforcement of IP Crime in Latin America” alongside his peer Julie Mejia (Brand Protection Latin America Director at Procter and Gamble) and expertly moderated by Cesar Schiaffino Davison (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime). 

Axel described how to uncover and disrupt illicit trade by investigating public shipment records combined with online intelligence, focusing on manufacturers and large commercial targets.

Further highlights from 2024 IACC Conference

The conference provided valuable insights into domestic and international consumer protection and IP enforcement, best practices and key trends, and offered opportunities to strategize with other leaders in the field.

Representatives from global brands and criminal investigative units engaged in discussions focussed on enforcement and investigative methods.

What else? Networking! We enjoyed every opportunity to meet with industry and brands representatives, forming new relationships and partnerships.

Congratulations to the IACC team for the great event!
Looking forward to the IACC Annual Conference 2025 in San Diego!


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